welcome to ecs

At Eureka City Schools (ECS) our vision is to inspire academic Excellence, Creativity, and the Confidence to Succeed. In partnership with families and communities, it is our mission to promote academic success and career readiness for every student.

We are committed to:

  • Ensuring rigorous and innovative programs through high standards of teaching and learning
  • Providing a safe and supportive learning environment
  • Embracing our diversity as a strength
  • Promoting creative expression, critical thinking, and digital literacy
  • Offering relevant learning opportunities to help guarantee a sustainable future
  • Developing responsible, productive, and ethical citizens for our communities and the world


School started on Monday, August 19, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Eureka City Schools is looking forward to working with you in a partnership to ensure your child's success in the upcoming school year. 

For back-to-school information and to register students from preschool through 12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year click here.

Superintendent's Message


ECS has transitioned to the PowerSchool digital platform for enrollment and essential student/parent information, such as the Annual Notice, for the 2024-2025 school year. It's a state requirement that every parent fill out an Annual Notice and sign that they have been given this regulatory information. Please read, complete, and submit the electronic forms by Monday, August 26, 2024. Click here for more information.

Recent News

Message from the Superintendent - 1-24-25

January 24, 2025

Dear Eureka City Schools Learning Community,

Over the past several months—particularly in recent weeks—we recognize our community's heightened concerns and fears about the safety and well-being of our learners and their loved ones. I want to take this opportunity to pledge our unwavering commitment to creating safe and welcoming learning communities.

At Eureka City Schools (ECS), we aim to ensure that every learner, every day, is engaged, empowered, and future-ready. It is our responsibility to ensure every learner who walks through the doors of our learning community is valued and respected and provided the personalized opportunities they need to be prepared to thrive in their preferred future.

We are fully committed to protecting the sanctity of our schools as spaces where ECS learners can study and grow without fear. To accomplish this, ECS will prioritize safety and work diligently to maintain environments where trust, belonging, and opportunity are foundational to the learning experience for all learners.

We know fears naturally surface in times of uncertainty. Please know all school sites within ECS will partner with our learners and their families to navigate current challenges and support overcoming future obstacles. Open communication is key, and we welcome you to contact your school site, district leadership, or me directly with any questions or concerns.

Our schools are stronger because of the diverse voices, backgrounds, and perspectives that enrich our ECS community. Together, we will ensure ECS remains a place where every learner is supported, every background is valued, and every future is bright and full of promise.

Thank you for your trust and collaboration as we move forward together with a shared commitment to every learner, every day. We will work tirelessly to continue to uphold our values of compassion and inclusivity, ensuring that every learner feels safe and empowered to succeed at ECS.

Gary Storts, Superintendent
Eureka City Schools

Read More about Message from the Superintendent - 1-24-25
Notice of Vacancy and Open Position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools Trustee Area 2
Press Release - Eureka City Schools



September 17, 2024 - NOTICE is hereby given that all qualified persons who would like to apply for the open position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools, Trustee Area 2, may contact Eureka City Schools, c/o Gary Storts, Superintendent ([email protected]), for a candidate information sheet. All candidate information sheets (original copies) must be submitted on or before Wednesday, October 16, 2024, no later than 4:00 p.m., to the Superintendent’s Office of Eureka City Schools (2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501 – Room 108).

Qualifications for Office: The applicant shall be a registered voter residing in Trustee Area 2 for Eureka City Schools. The boundaries for Trustee Area 2 can be reviewed by visiting the Eureka City Schools Governance Board and clicking on School Board Trustee Areas or through the Humboldt County Office of Education – District Locator.

NOTICE is further given that appointment to the office will be made in the event there are no nominees, or no qualified nominees. (Appointments will be made pursuant to 10515 of the Elections Code or 5326, 5328, and 5328.5 of the Education Code.)

Press Contact:

Gary Storts
Eureka City Schools
[email protected]






Gary Storts, Superintendente
Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka
[email protected]

17 de Septiembre de 2024 - SE NOTIFICA que todas las personas calificadas que deseen postularse para el puesto vacante en la Junta de Fideicomisarios de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka, Área de Fideicomisarios 2, pueden comunicarse con las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka, c/o Gary Storts, Superintendente ([email protected]), para obtener una hoja de información de candidato. Todas las hojas de información de candidato (copias originales) deben presentarse el Miércoles 16 de Octubre de 2024 o antes, a más tardar a las 4:00 p.m., en la Oficina del Superintendente de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka (2100 Calle J, Eureka, CA 95501 - Cuarto 108).

Requisitos para el cargo: El solicitante deberá ser un votante registrado que resida en el Área 2 de Fideicomisarios de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka. Los límites del Área 2 de los Fideicomisarios se pueden revisar visitando https://www.eurekacityschools.org/Governance/governance_board y haciendo clic en School Board Trustee Areas (Áreas de los Fideicomisarios de la Junta) o a través del Localizador de Distritos del Humboldt County Office of Education.

Se NOTIFICA además que el nombramiento para el cargo se hará en caso de que no haya candidatos, o no haya candidatos calificados. (Los nombramientos se harán de conformidad con 10515 del Código Electoral o 5326, 5328 y 5328.5 del Código de Educación).

Contacto de Prensa:

Gary Storts
Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka
[email protected]

Read More about Notice of Vacancy and Open Position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools Trustee Area 2

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