September 12, 2024 - Eureka, CA - We're excited to share that Eureka City Schools has been awarded a 23-24 Farm to School Incubator Grant by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. This round of funding will help school districts in the 24-25 school year and further our Food Services Department's mission to strengthen partnerships with local farms and deliver nutritious, locally sourced meals to our students. Find out more about the amazing work being done by our Food Services Department at
CDFA Award Announcement - September 6, 2024 - As part of California’s groundbreaking Farm to School Incubator Grant Program, CDFA announced $52.8 million in funding for 195 projects across the state that will serve 1,650,985 students. In total, these projects will serve 199 school districts and educational entities, 52 farms, eight food hubs, and five California Native American tribes. Continuing reading here: Award Announcement: 2023-24 CA Farm to School Incubator Grant Program