Learning Communities for School Success Grant Update for 2023-2024
The Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP)
provides funds to local education agencies (LEAs) to support programs to improve student outcomes by reducing truancy and supporting students at risk of dropping out of school or being victims of crime.
We are excited to provide this update to the ECS community. ECS was granted approximately $500,000.00 to support students and families between July 1st, 2023, and June 30th, 2026.
Through this funding, ECS has provided activities to support students in achieving academic, social, and emotional growth. It has also partnered with community schools to provide activities to increase family involvement and connection to our schools.
Some of the activities and programs that have been funded through LCSSP include:
Attendance initiatives and awareness
School Aversion Training through the School Avoidance Alliance, https://schoolavoidance.org/
Sheltered Independent Study Program with Tutoring
Family engagement mailers and notes home
Attendance incentives for students
Transportation support
Teacher training in restorative practices
Classroom climate and culture training for ECS staff
All activities funded through the LCSSP grant align with ECS LCAP Goals and are accessible to all district students.
If you have any questions regarding the LCSSP Grant funding and aligned activities, please contact Sheri Jensen at 707-441-2461 or [email protected]